Pack of:2 Boxes
Ingredients: Seabuckthorn ( Hippophae rhamnoides var turkestanica ) male leaves, tea, local caraway, oregano, local mint, yarrow, rose root & flowers and basil leaves.
Description: This original seabuckthorn tea contains herbs commonly used in the Amchi System of medicine(Tibetan System of Medicine) for various ailments such as stress, indigestion, gastritis, headache, cold, cough, fever, high blood pressure, body pain, high attitude sickness, memory loss and weakness since ages.
Description: This original seabuckthorn tea contains herbs commonly used in the Amchi System of medicine(Tibetan System of Medicine) for various ailments such as stress, indigestion, gastritis, headache, cold, cough, fever, high blood pressure, body pain, high attitude sickness, memory loss and weakness since ages.